summer Bible Study

What: Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind by Louie Giglio

Who: This study is for adult men & women.

Dates: Tuesdays - June 11, 18, 25; July 2, 9 & 16

Time:  6:30 to 8 PM

Where: The Remnant Church - Worship Center

Materials (optional): TRC will place a bulk order of the book ($16 each) and study guide ($13 each). Deadline to pay & pre-order the book and/or study guide is May 19.  You will also have the option to order your own materials.

How involved you'd like to be is totally up to you! You can simply attend on Tuesdays without buying the book or study guide, OR you can dive deeper by reading the book and completing the personal study each week. Either way, you'll get a lot out of the Bible study!

**Click Here to sign up for the Bible study, sign up for childcare, and/or to pre-order your materials!**

Here's a sneak peak!


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